
Artlandia SymmetryWorks v4.13 for Adobe Illustrator 英文正式版(Adobe Illustrator 插件/圖案加工軟體)

商品名稱: Artlandia SymmetryWorks v4.13 for Adobe Illustrator

商品分類: 繪圖、圖像、靜態影像軟體

商品類型: Adobe Illustrator 插件/圖案加工軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003

更新日期: 2007-05-20

熱門標籤: Illustrator Adobe 圖案加工軟體 插件 Artlandia SymmetryWorks 



Adobe Illustrator 插件,強大的圖案「加工機」。隻要創建一條簡單的路徑,再點擊面闆
中預設的排列方式選項,就可輕鬆生成萬花筒般的規則圖案。 在SymmetryWorks 4裏,你可

Artlandia SymmetryWorks is an Adobe Illustrator plug-in that lets you make
repeat patterns in seconds.

SymmetryWorks is now in Version 4, which adds new and exciting features that
automate your work even further. Many classes of patterns are now faster
than ever to create. Others were simply not imaginable before. Spirals,
mosaics, gradations, checks, eccentrics, as well as guilloche, optical,
rotational, all-over, and tossed patterns are among those that have become
much easier and more fun.

New Features in Artlandia SymmetryWorks 4

* Replicas (live copies) of selected objects
* Addition and removal of objects from replicas
* Enhanced support for all-over and tossed repeats
* New multi-replica feature for automatic generation of replica copies
* Editable spirals, mosaics, gradations, and other arrangements in patterns

* Automatically generated check patterns, eccentrics, guilloche backgrounds,
and other linework
* New capabilities for creating optical, moire, and other special effects

* Rotational designs (pinwheels) of any order
* Support for applying live effects to replica art
* Replicas of hidden objects for creating counterchanged designs and
sophisticated effects
* Combination layouts
* Full support for Illustrator CS3

Artlandia SymmetryWorks v4.13 for Adobe Illustrator 英文正式版(Adobe Illustrator 插件/圖案加工軟體)


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